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5 Most Popular Linux Blog Posts on Linux System Admin Blog

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Our top 5 blog posts in terms of number of clicks received in 2008

  1. INSTALL FFMPEG FFMPEG-PHP AND AUDIO BINARIES ON CENTOS / RHEL SYSTEM WITH CPANEL by Gerold This guide is intented for the installatiion of ffmpeg, ffmpeg-php, mplayer, mencoder, lame mp3 encoder, flvtool2, libVorbis, and libogg and tested on CentOS5 and RHEL3 systems with Cpanel.

  2. How to check if your DNS server implements source port randomization by Marius Fixed source port for generating queries – in most dns implementations the source port for outgoing queries is fixed at the traditional assigned DNS server port number, 53/udp. We can easily find out if our own dns server is using a fixed source port for queries by looking into named.conf 

  3. Upgrading to trac 0.11  by Marius  This article will outline the steps necessary to perform the upgrade from an older version of trac (normally 0.10 that many people are still running) to the latest stable branch 0.11 (more precisely 0.11.2 available at this time).

  4. MySQL error 1449 “There is no ‘username’@’host’ registered”  by Pim The error message in the title occurs in a combination of circumstances. If you have 2 MySQL databases, one master and one slave in a replicating setup and you use triggers you may encounter this error. 

  5.  Implementing AES encryption in the front-end by Pim  This post describes a way to implement data encryption in the front-end of an application and how to make it compatible between a PHP front-end and a Java front-end.
