Provus Logo

Drupal kick starter Drupal distribution for component-based site building

This project is maintained by Promet Source logo

Setting up on Pantheon

This assumes you have Terminus already installed.

  1. Create Pantheon Token using
  2. Authenticate to Pantheon using the Token: terminus auth:login --machine-token=<token_here>
  3. Add the token to docksal-local.env using SECRET_TERMINUS_TOKEN=
  4. Create new site on Pantheon with empty upstream terminus site:create <site_name> <readable_label> <empty> empty_patheon_project
  5. OR if you have an existing site you can set it to an empty upstream: terminus site:upstream:set newsite empty
  6. Clone provus or site already in git locally git clone newsite"
  7. Add pantheon remote to docksal.env REMOTE_GIT_REPO=ssh://////////
  8. Add pantheon as deploy remote git remote add deploy GIT_URL
  9. Build and push: fin deploy
  10. Copy aliases to project: terminus aliases; cp ~/.drush/sites/ drush/sites/.
  11. Install site; fin drush si minimal;fin drush config-set uuid 1aa3a078-6e7f-4336-b6d9-bec3b1e61561 -y; fin drush cim -y
  12. Update pantheon aliases through terminus terminus aliases and copy alias cp ~/.drush/sites/newsite.alias.yml drush/sites/.
  13. Optionally remove “hooks” directory which is only for Acquia.