Provus Logo

Drupal kick starter Drupal distribution for component-based site building

This project is maintained by Promet Source logo

Getting Started - Local Dev Site

We recommend using the composer project to create a Provus based project.

composer create-project promet/provus-drupal <project-name>

Local Dev Tools


Please read/review the Docksal installation instructions for your platform.

cd <project-name>
fin init

If docksal is successful you’ll see a listing for the project URL


in this case we’ll go to http://provus-test.docksal and we’re immediately taken to the Drupal install screen where we provide database credentials.

For Docksal:

'database' => 'default',
'username' => 'user',
'password' => 'user',
'host' => 'db',
'port' => '3306',



Please read/review the Lando installation instructions for your platform.

cd <project-name>
lando init

Accept current directory as current working directory


You will be asked some question by the lando start script:

Select Drupal 9 recipe:


Type in web as the webroot


Choose a name for your app lando_app_name

If we have a success you should see something similar to the following: lando-init-success

Start your new dev environment in the <project-name> directory

To start the dev environment:

lando start


If successful you should see output that tells you how to access your new site:

When you go to your site, you should have a provus install screen that required the Lando db credentials

Lando defaults for the drupal 9 recipe:

database: drupal9
username: drupal9
password: drupal9
host: database
# for mysql
port: 3306
